"The Ultimate Danish Phrasebook" is the eBook that teaches you natural Danish in a simple and fun way!
The original version was released last year, but now a second version has come - and it has been illustrated with a lot of drawings!

In this eBook, you will find phrases on virtually any topic you can imagine.
Anything that you can think of, it's in here.
There has never before been made an eBook like this.
What you're looking at here is unlike any other phrasebook.
It's not only phrases for tourists and beginners, it's phrases for EVERYONE.
Yep, learners of all levels can benefit from this eBook, but if you're not sure yet if this is for you, feel free to download the FREE demo-version of the book right here!
What's inside this eBook?
- 2000 phrases, 26 chapters, 120 sub chapters
- A wide range of topics from greetings, small-talk, work, pets, love, and more advanced topics like history, politics, philosophy, etc.
- Colorful illustrations to make reading it a pleasant experience
- Notes on phrases that sound formal, authoritative, fictitious, etc
- A huge vocabulary covered
Price: 65 DKK
Payment options:
60 54 21 59 (Denmark only)
Bank transfer:
Reg. nr: 6070
Account number: 4846587 (Denmark only)
Note: If you buy it through mobilepay or bank-transfer, please send me a mail at ultimatedanish@hotmail.com and you will receive it within 2 hours.
Upon purchasing it through PayPal, you will receive it within 2 hours.
If you don't want to wait that long, you can buy and download it directly here!